Massey Hall

Everyone touched each other’s butts, and it was great. And I’m gonna read it to the whole school myself. Hey Jimmy Jr. Did you see those two squirrels fighting in the courtyard? And I’m gonna read it to the whole school myself. So I think I’m being attacked by zombies and I start screaming, ‘Do you wanna make out?’ And I make out with it. Put it on a t-shirt, Jimmy Jr, I don’t want to hear it. Dad, you’re the best pimp a girl could ever have. uhhhhhhh

Chad the Zombie touched the butt of that girl with the frosted hair from my art class. I think her name is Kristi. Dr. Yap, once I was into you, but after seeing you torture my father, I think we should just be friends with dental benefits. This is where I thrash. Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads? I’m not spooked. What’s the next thing after spooked? I’m that. You had me at horses, but then you lost me at corpses. Chad the Zombie touched the butt of that girl with the frosted hair from my art class. I think her name is Kristi. She grabbed Jimmy Jr’s butt and changed the world.

I need to find a boy with a turtle bite on his finger. Sometimes with Jimmy Jr, I don’t know what to say. But now I don’t know what not to say and it’s like okay guys, who can get to my mouth first? I’m out of control. Gene, you saved us. I owe you my life.I guess she doesn’t like wearing clothes. There’s a lot of carrots in that stew. YOU GORGEOUS IDIOT! Sausage leather belts.
