Alleys of Seattle

Hey, you don’t want to mess with my sister. She’ll wear down your self esteem over a period of years. If you need me, I’ll be down here on the floor. Dying. Detention is no big deal. Don’t have a crap attack. Give them ridiculous French accents. He did? That’s the sleaziest, sneakiest, most romantic thing anyone’s ever done to me. I’m a smart, strong, sensual woman. Hi boys. I’m Tina. There’s someone behind the milk. Maybe it’s the dairy fairy.

Jimmy Jr. had a chance to ride the Tina truck, but now it’s headed straight for Joshville. Toot-toot. Thank you zombie boyfriends. If I were a hamburger you’d come and watch! My boob? Hi boys. I’m Tina. Crap attack? Don’t have one? I’m out of control. I’m a smart, strong, sensual woman.

I’ll wave at you every day. Hi boys. I’m Tina. And I’m gonna read it to the whole school myself. Explore the morgue? There’s someone behind the milk. Maybe it’s the dairy fairy. The hand wants what the hand wants. C’mon Dad, just let me bite down on the bean. Hi boys. I’m Tina.
