Old Vintage Cars

Sometimes with Jimmy Jr, I don’t know what to say. But now I don’t know what not to say and it’s like okay guys, who can get to my mouth first? If you need me, I’ll be down here on the floor. Dying. Detention is no big deal. Don’t have a crap attack. If I drunk text you and you’re asleep, don’t text me in the morning…that ship has sailed. We can make this work. We can work out a dating wheel, just like a chore wheel. Let’s put the try in triangle. Just when I think I’m out, those cheeks pull me right back in. I’m torn. Dad raised me, but the shark gets me. I’m not spooked. What’s the next thing after spooked? I’m that. I need both ears to hold up my glasses. It’s not meant to be hilarious. It’s supposed to be erotic.

You’re right. I’m a firestarter and a jinx. I’m going to destroy this whole family. The hand wants what the hand wants. I’m torn. Dad raised me, but the shark gets me.Argh!… Wait, I like the library. I didn’t know our county was bi. Good for us. I could go to jail, or hell, or jail-hell. We can make this work. We can work out a dating wheel, just like a chore wheel. Let’s put the try in triangle. And I’m gonna read it to the whole school myself. Let’s raise our glasses! Follow me fellas…Lets go somewhere where the sixteen of us can be alone. Your ass is grass and I’m gonna mow it. I had no idea there was so much butt touching in baseball. Our toaster is also confused. It doesn’t know where bagels go. I’ve logged over 3,000 fantasy hours on my relationship with Jimmy Jr. You don’t just throw that away.

Jimmy Jr. had a chance to ride the Tina truck, but now it’s headed straight for Joshville. Toot-toot. Tina reached towards Jimmy Junior’s butt: ‘Your lips say no but your butt says yes.’ She grabbed Jimmy Jr’s butt and changed the world. Hi boys. I’m Tina. I’m out of control. Dr. Yap, once I was into you, but after seeing you torture my father, I think we should just be friends with dental benefits. There is one place I like to go. The boys’ locker room. You can only see up to their ankles. Detention is no big deal. Don’t have a crap attack. I thought I saw a baby bump. I guess she doesn’t like wearing clothes. My bra’s chafing me. Your body.
