Cloudy Mountain Forest

Just when I think I’m out, those cheeks pull me right back in. Yeah it’s an acquired taste. That I just acquired. He did? That’s the sleaziest, sneakiest, most romantic thing anyone’s ever done to me. I didn’t know our county was bi. Good for us.Buns…sen. Now my rash smells like bacon. But it doesn’t itch anymore. The second time hurt the most. I’ve been using the toilet like an idiot.

Tina reached towards Jimmy Junior’s butt: ‘Your lips say no but your butt says yes.’There’s a lot of carrots in that stew. Brr, it sure is cold in here. I wish some strong, chivalrous man would lend me his jacket, or his pants. I texted back a smiley face. She texted back some letters I don’t understand. Dr. Yap, once I was into you, but after seeing you torture my father, I think we should just be friends with dental benefits. C’mon Dad, just let me bite down on the bean. My bra’s chafing me.Everything I know to be true just went out the window.

Crap attack? Don’t have one? I’m not spooked. What’s the next thing after spooked? I’m that. It includes material that may not be suitable for all ages. I need to find a boy with a turtle bite on his finger. This is such a snore-gasm. Yeah it’s an acquired taste. That I just acquired. The second time hurt the most. It includes material that may not be suitable for all ages.
