Borneo Wilds

Gene, you saved us. I owe you my life. Is it possible to be in love with 25 people at once? Yeah it’s an acquired taste. That I just acquired. I had no idea there was so much butt touching in baseball. I’ve been using the toilet like an idiot. Hey Jimmy Jr. Did you see those two squirrels fighting in the courtyard?Everything I know to be true just went out the window. We can make this work. We can work out a dating wheel, just like a chore wheel. Let’s put the try in triangle.

I didn’t know our county was bi. Good for us. My hearttttttttt. Crap attack? Don’t have one? Is it possible to be in love with 25 people at once? I’m out of control. Brr, it sure is cold in here. I wish some strong, chivalrous man would lend me his jacket, or his pants. He did? That’s the sleaziest, sneakiest, most romantic thing anyone’s ever done to me. I’m no hero. I just put my bra on one boob at a time.

I need to find a boy with a turtle bite on his finger. I’m just not sure if I’ll be any good on the grill with one free hand. Tina reached towards Jimmy Junior’s butt: ‘Your lips say no but your butt says yes.’ The hand wants what the hand wants. C’mon Dad, just let me bite down on the bean. You’re right. I’m a firestarter and a jinx. I’m going to destroy this whole family. Is it possible to be in love with 25 people at once?Butts.
