Green Meadow

Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads? Chad the Zombie touched the butt of that girl with the frosted hair from my art class. I think her name is Kristi. Brr, it sure is cold in here. I wish some strong, chivalrous man would lend me his jacket, or his pants. You’re right. I’m a firestarter and a jinx. I’m going to destroy this whole family. Our toaster is also confused. It doesn’t know where bagels go. I’ll wave at you every day. Follow me fellas…Lets go somewhere where the sixteen of us can be alone. My boob?

I’m compiling a list of people I can mate with to repopulate the Earth. uhhhhhhh Dr. Yap is dreamy. When he’s looking at my molars, it’s like he’s looking into my soul.Time for the charm bomb to explode. She grabbed Jimmy Jr’s butt and changed the world. Dad, I need you to drop everything and shave my legs. I’m torn. Dad raised me, but the shark gets me. You’re right. I’m a firestarter and a jinx. I’m going to destroy this whole family.

uhhhhhhh I’m gonna write the most erotic, graphic, freakiest friend fiction ever. Hey, you don’t want to mess with my sister. She’ll wear down your self esteem over a period of years. Argh!… Wait, I like the library. I’ve been using the toilet like an idiot.It’s an erotic friend fiction story that I just wrote. I hope you like it, because you’re all in it. It’s called ‘Buttloose.’ This is such a snore-gasm. There is one place I like to go. The boys’ locker room. You can only see up to their ankles.
